Ringing the Bells of Farewell

About the Play
A solo performance by Hadassa Jacobus
The painful separation from her daughter Inbal makes for a performance imbued with love, humor and joie-de-vivre. In an unconventional theatrical collage the actress takes the audience into the depths of pain, motherhood, love, loss and serenity. Hadassa’s personal story becomes a work that crosses the familiar boundaries between mourning and joy, loss and disclosure. This is theatre of emotion, both stirring and thought-provoking.
Script and performance: Hadassa Jacobus
Direction: Rochele
Stage design: Natalia Rosental, Kinneret Topaz
Lighting: Rubi Rubinstein
Tickets at the Khan Theatre box office:
02-6718281 or on the Khan site
https://www.ticketbox.co.il/khan/hall.asp?show code=4413
(For reduced tickets at NIS 50, tell the box office you are on our mailing list)

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